In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful The Bestower of Mercy
Part 3: Some Golden Advice of Imaam Muqbil (rahimahullaah)
Imaam Muqbil (rahimahullaah) said:
[1] Imaan has a sweetness and it is not tasted, except by the one who is truthful in his Imaan.
[2] I advice those who are continuous in their memorization of the Qur’aan to delay research (in affairs of knowledge). Research (in affairs of knowledge) is enticing.
[3] I advice you not to busy yourselves with authorships before memorizing the Qur’aan.
[4] Safeguard your hearts if you are to accept my advice; knowledge requires that (you) are distanced from delightful, pathetic and sensational things.
[5] Seek knowledge for the sake of Allaah (The Mighty and Majestic) and Allaah will not cause you to go to waste.
[6] Act for the sake of Allaah and neither take notice of a brother’s praise nor that of a teacher. Allaah is the One Who will raise you if He pleases.
[7] Call to the book and the Sunnah. Do not call to personalities, for indeed personalities are not safe from trials and tribulations.
[8] Ihsaan (doing good to the people, repelling harm from them, striving to benefit them through wealth, position, knowledge and in person) has a very great effect.
[9] It maybe that the performance of a good act can be more beneficial to Islaam than a thousand admonitions, even if that was (done) by a clean shaven person or a Christian.
[10] Dawah will not be established except with Jarh and Tadeel.
[11] You O Ahlus Sunnah are united in your covenant of protecting (one another), and you have the responsibility of refuting the Raafidi and the falsifier.
[12] Beware, Beware, O my children! That we nurture you as youngsters and the illegal partisans capture you when you are older. And if this becomes the case, it will be a loss upon you.
[13] Spend your time in that which will benefit Islaam and the Muslims.
[14] The person who has benefitted in grammar is able to benefit in all the sciences of the religion.
[Source: 'Al-Bashaa-ir Fis-Samaa-i Al-Mubaashir': Compiler: Abdullah Ibn Ayyaash with the introduction of Shaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhaab Al-Wassaabee]