O Ahlus Sunnah! The Siege Upon Dammaaj by The Raafidah Still Continues
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful The Bestower of Mercy
Assalaamu alaykum warahmatullaah
Brothers and sisters, increase in supplication for our brothers, sisters and children in Dammaaj. The siege by the heretics (Zanaadiqah hoothiyyoon rawaafid) still continues. Its has been nearly 60 days.
Shaikh Ubaid Bin Abdillaah Al-Jaabiriy (hafidhahullaah) said: ”The Rawaafid will not be pleased except with sheddding the blood of Ahlus Sunnah”
Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa BILAAH