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  1. #2
    JazaakAllaahu khayraa.

    Related links (regarding taking the good & leaving the bad) [via]:
    1. Benefit: Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah on Reading the Books of the Innovators (al-Kashaaf) - via
      Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allaah have mercy on him, commented on one of the most famous explanations of the Qur'aan from the Mu'tazilah entitled, "al-Kashaaf". This tafseer has been read by many, both in the past and the present who fell for the high level of eloquence and literature in this book.
    2. Advice to the One Who Sits With the People of Desires (by Sh. Rabee' - may Allaah preserve him - via - a MUST READ, includes a very good & strong warning and examples from the past people). Excerpt:
      He (sallAllaahu alaihi wa sallam) has warned against this and said, "Verily the example of the righteous sitting and the evil sitting is like that of the merchant of fine perfumes and the ironsmith. ..."
      Everyone you see now, who it is said about them that they are hizbee, all of them where lost due to this path; they were all taken and destroyed by the (evil) philosophy, "I am taking the truth and leaving the evil." (In reality), they are taking the evil and leaving the truth, they become enemies to the truth. They (end up) becoming of those who war against the people of the truth!
    3. Is it correct for a Salafy Daa'ee to mix with the Hizbees in order to rectify them? (also by Sh. Rabee' - may Allaah preserve him - via )
    4. Taking the Good & Leaving the Bad (or here) - compiled by brother Abul-Hasan Maalik al-Akhdar (may Allaah preserve him)
    "سبحان الذي لا يشكر إلا بنعمة أخرى"
    [Related by Shaykh 'Abdur-Razaaq al-Badr (حفظه الله) in "فقه الأسماء الحسنى" from Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee (رحمه الله)]


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