Assalamu Alaykoum..
BarakAllaahu feek akhi fillaah for this great post defending our Shaikh
akhi, can you pleased give me the reference of the sayings of Shaikh al-Banna rahimahullaahu ta'ala (in which book or lecture):
" And Shaikh Muhammad al-Banna (rahimahullaah) also said: "Who is in this time similar to him? He knows the reality of most of the callers. Who is like him? He knows with proof and evidence. He doesn't speak about anyone except with the proof. That is why I say about Rabee' Haadee is similar to Yahyah ibn Ma'een in this time. You must forgive me, son, I have become old. I forget, now I am 90 years (old). Shaikh Ibn Baz - rahimahullaah - is the 'Umar ibn 'Abdul-Aziz of this era. And Shaikh Nasrud-Deen al-Albaani - rahimahullaah - is the Ibn Taymiyyah of this era, and Shaikh 'Uthaimeen - rahimahullaah - is the Shafi'ee of this era. "