Cardiff Conference Timetable - 21st - 23rd June
8PM - Hassan As-Somali (Telelink - Jealousy, Envy and its consequences)
2:15PM - Hussein Faraid in Somali Language: Ramadaan
4:15 PM - Abu Abdirahman Owais: Hold firm to the rope of Allaah
6:45PM - Shaikh Muhammad Bazmool Say I believe in Allaah & then be Steadfast (Telelink)
8PM - Taqweem Aslam: Life of this world, life of the grave and the resurrection
2:15PM - Abdulilah Lahmaami: A Party in Paradise and a Party in the Hellfire
4PM - Umar Quinn: Telelink
7PM - Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Rabee (Telelink)
8:30PM - Abu Hakeem: Be united upon Salafiyyah