Destruction of a Major Doubt of the Innovators Using Statements of the Shafi'i Scholars to Justify Bidah Hasanah

It is known that Imam al-Shafi'i spoke of both "praiseworthy" and "blameworthy" innovation and following in this direction many of the later Shafi'i jurists expanded upon this by classifying bidah into that which is wajib (obligatory), mandub (recommended) and mubah (permissible). However, their intent behind this is not what today's contemporary Innovators have twisted it to mean. Nevertheless, todays innovators have for many decades tried to swindle people by taking the mere classification given by these scholars and throwing behind their backs the actual meaning and understanding intended by it. Of the scholars they cite most is the Sufi Ash'ari, al-Izz bin Abd al-Salaam, and also al-Nawawi and Ibn Hajar and even Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali. But all they have done is to twist and distort what these Scholars intended in order to justify innovations in worship.
The latest article in the series of "bidah hasanah" at deals specifically with the speech of al-Izz bin Abd al-Salam. It is an important article because it establishes and proves with certainty that these contemporary innovators have misused and abused what these Scholars intended by their statements, "praiseworthy innovation" and "good innovation" and their classification of bidah into wajib, mandub and mubah.
Here is the article, please take time to read and understand and please distribute and spread, wa jazaakumullaahu khayran.
It is also useful if you try to follow through the series in order, you can see all articles here: